
2010-02-08 2:47 am


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2010-02-08 4:34 am
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讓-巴普提斯特·莫尼耶(Jean-Baptiste Maunier,1990年12月22日)出生於法國的Brignoles,因為在電影「放牛班的春天」片中飾演擁有「天使臉龐魔鬼內心」的Pierre Morhange,而迅速的走紅於世界各地。


在拍攝放牛班的春天時,導演Christophe Barratier四處找尋著合適的小演員,而來到聖馬克兒童合唱團(Les Petits Chanteurs de Saint-Marc)的時候——事實上聖馬克兒童合唱團並不是像片中一樣的純男童的兒童合唱團,而是有少數女孩子的。導演一眼就相中了Jean-Baptiste Maunier,使的他從三千位試鏡者中脫穎而出。令人驚艷的歌聲,更是讓在場試鏡的工作人員大吃一驚。


2010-02-07 20:39:40 補充:
這是一首沒有歌詞卻被吟唱得非常浪漫、令人感動冥想的法國歌曲。它是法國當代音樂天才Saint-Preux1969年在波蘭遊歷期間所作,最初由法國著名的吟唱家Danielle Licari於1970年發行專輯演唱。她的聲音當時被評論為天使般的聲音。

這首法國老歌的最新版本是由十幾歲的法國男孩Jean-Baptiste Maunier和法國少女Clemence演唱的。他們把童聲的美妙演繹得淋漓盡致。這對金童玉女不僅在法國,而且到加拿大、日本等世界各地參加演出。

2010-02-07 20:44:38 補充:
The daughter of composer Saint Preux and a painter/author mother, Clémence, from a young age, grew up in an artistic world, therefore it was only natural that she would turn towards music and singing early in her life, also learning piano and guitar and taking lessons in dance and comedy.

2010-02-07 20:45:36 補充:
When she was 12 years of age, the young girl met Johnny Hallyday. Enchanted by her voice, he recorded the song On a tous besoin d'amour with her. The song garnered great success in France (it attained 4th place on top in November 2001).

2010-02-07 20:46:06 補充:
That year, she took part in a duo with Jean-Baptiste Maunier - who had also then just made his glowing debut with the success of Choristes - the single Concerto pour deux voix.

2010-02-07 20:46:19 補充:
The success was once more that of a partnership, however, and at the end of 2005, Clémence released a solo single, Sans défense (Without Defense), followed by La vie comme elle vient in the following year.

2010-02-07 20:46:50 補充:
On 18 March 2007, Clémence became the fourth artist to reach a grand total of $50,000 "parts" sold on Sellaband, thereby allowing her to start recording an album.[1]

2010-02-07 20:46:56 補充:
Her first album, entitled Mes Jours (My Days), was recorded to follow directly after and scheduled to appear in shops in France on the 12 December 2007. Clémence wrote three of the fourteen songs on the disc herself.

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