ABCDEFG<-加字 , 水力發電一問

2010-02-08 2:22 am
1. 乜叫轉子同定子??
2. 水力發電點解要渦輪機?
3. 發電原理為何?(唔好同我講能量轉換尼種廢話)
THANK YOU!!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2010-02-08 5:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 乜叫轉子同定子??
Rotor and stator are two important components inside an electric generator. The rotor (轉子) is a series of large electromagent that spins inside a tightly-wound coil of copper wire, called the stator (定子). The magnetic field between the coil and the magnets creates an electric current.

2. 水力發電點解要渦輪機?
The turbine derives energy from the flowing water and turns the electric generator to produce electricity. Water strikes and turns the large blades of the turbine, which is attached to a generator above it by way of a shaft.

3. 發電原理為何?(唔好同我講能量轉換尼種廢話)
Water from a river drives a turbine, which then turns an electric genertor. The generator generates the electricity. The basic process of generating electricity in this manner is to rotate a series of magnets inside coils of wire. This process moves electrons, which produces electrical current.

The following web-page gives good illustration of how a hydroelectric power plant works. There is good animation showing a turbine, and how it is connected to the generator, inside which the rotor and stator are clearly seen.

2010-02-19 5:50 am
1. 乜叫轉子同定子??
轉子同定子係發電機同摩打既一部分機體, 講出來你就會話廢話, 不如俾個圖你睇睇 :



2. 水力發電點解要渦輪機?
又係廢話一大堆, 能量轉換一定有一種器具來轉換, 渦輪機就係將水力轉換為機械動力(轉動), 然後用發電機將機械動力轉換為電力, 當然其中有磁力等等。

3. 發電原理為何?(唔好同我講能量轉換尼種廢話)
發電有好多原理, 有將機械動力轉換為電力, 有將化學物化學作用轉換為電力, 有將太陽光亮轉換為電力, 有將核子感應轉換為電力, 就算係廢話度可以轉換為電力, 但係轉換時需要特別既裝置同埋啲道具。

雖然係廢話, 好似你要吃飯都要用個碗或碟來裝, 就算係豬吃既嘢都要用個兜來裝, 至於點樣裝係細節問題。

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