can any one help me to fix my gammar?
A red car stay front of the house and a house plate call 140.
A melting snowmen staying on front yard and house plate is 136
A basketball stands standing on the grass.
A yellow Ford truck parked beside a sidewalk and the license plate is DDA-729
Two tall abies staying between house plate 132-134
A man crossing a road to the mail box.
An old man walked around the park with a dog.
The kids played a snowball games in the park
A boat parking under the tent
A husky slept on the show
A lot of kids line-up front of a daycare to go to a playground
A license plate HYB-268 parked on the house plate 124 drive way
One BNW car (license plate HSU 983) and one GMC truck ( license plate TYI-779) parked drive way on house plate 152
A lot of foot print on the snow
House plate 122 opened garage door and there had one Honda silver minivan and red Toyota Corolla in the garage.
A man currying a huge hockey bag to play hockey games.