
2010-02-07 9:50 pm
1.I see the ball is throw.

. Win is my dream

3.Playing piano is my way of my life


回答 (4)

2010-02-07 10:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I see the ball be thrown away/out.
(But this sentence does not make sense unless you see the ball be thrown away/out every day. I guess you actually mean to say: I saw the ball be thrown away. You saw that only once.)

To win is my dream.
Wining is my dream.
(Both are okay.)

I do not know what you try to mean in the 3rd sentence. Do you want to say:
Playing piano is my life.
(It means: my whole life is for playing piano.)

2010-02-08 13:01:55 補充:
I saw the ball was thrown.
see後是要用infinitive without to或verb加ing。
I saw him crossing the road.
I saw him cross the road.
(Both are correct grammatically.)
2010-02-08 9:05 am


2010-02-08 5:20 am
1. I saw the ball was thrown. (not thrown out. Thrown out means discard, please see http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/throw_out).

2. It would be my dream to win.

3. Playing the piano is the love of my life. (I guess what you want to say is the way you would lived for your life is to play the piano? But people just won't say that, so I've guessed for another meaning.)

Reference: Me
2010-02-07 10:07 pm
1.I see the is throwing.
2.Won is my dream.
3.Playing piano is the way of my life.

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