Are you for or against genetically modified foods?

2010-02-06 9:58 am

I'm against too. its not a question of kindly charity to starving people. GM crops are being introduced to increase yield and make a greater profit, that is, to satisfy insane greed. also, the effects of genetic modification are not all known yet.


that very same Monsanto is trying to introduce GM brinjal in India.

回答 (14)

2010-02-06 10:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
2010-02-06 6:02 pm
110% against!

Check out this video about Monsanto: Proud makers of
"agent orange." Killed thousands in Vietnam!

They kill people with their bio engineered junk "food" and steal land worldwide... Their corporate atrocities are beyond belief.

Please tell everybody you know to watch this scary video!

YES! Total corporate greed at the expense of all human life.

This video might just save your life.
參考: Learn the truth, please click here now:
2010-02-06 6:15 pm
1) inclusion of animal genes in plants may change vegetarian nature of plant which may be offensive to certain religions...
2) GM food may get mixed with natural foods, and thus result in gene pollution
3) GM food may show its effects on human health in a few years/decades.
4) Animal suffering is a cause of concern while extracting out gene of interest from them

In short, traditional breeding methods used till date are better than Genetic engineering of plants.
2010-02-06 6:02 pm
I am personally against it because I feel it is wrong. However, I found out that it is all I eat. So it puts me in a tight situation.
2010-02-06 6:04 pm
In theory I'm against it, but when we have whole countries starving and no other way to turn?

Who am I to say no if it feeds families until we find a better solution.
2010-02-06 6:25 pm
I am totally against anything which affect human health.
2010-02-06 6:23 pm
I am dead against it. Human already meddles so much with the nature, there is no further need to deteriorate DNA. Bio technology will deface the Mother Nature as also human race.
2010-02-06 6:14 pm
100% Against...!!!!

See This movie Promo of "Kites"
2010-02-06 6:09 pm
2010-02-06 6:02 pm
I am against Gene Food and Flu Shots.
2010-02-06 6:02 pm
against, if it can change the food it might change you
2010-02-06 6:02 pm
2010-02-06 6:01 pm
2010-02-06 6:04 pm
i have no idea what that is

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