
2010-02-06 8:52 pm
1) /2; represents direction of current
2) I(x) represents current x
3) [] represents resistor and the number near them are their resistance
4) + and _ represents positive and negative pole of the batteries
respectively and the number near them are their voltage

in the first loop, the equation is 6-4 I(1)+3 I(2)-7=0 ________(1)
in the second loop , the equation is 7-3 I(2)-6 I(3)-4=0 ______(2)

assume the equations stated above are correct

1) why is the +3I(2) in first equation is positive , but it is -3I(2) in the second
equation, as the current I(2) is traversed in the same direction to the

2) why the -7 in the first equation is nagative ,but it is +7 in the second equation, as
the current is traversed in the batteries from the negative to positive pole?????


回答 (2)

2010-02-06 10:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I can't open your diagra. But from your stated equations, I think the paths in the first loop and the second loop are in opposite direction. Hence for a given direction of current, it is +ve in one path but -ve in the other.
2010-02-11 2:18 am
In the first loop, we take the direction of 6V battery as positive. Hence, the voltage drop by current I(1) is positive. Since the current I(2) is in opposite direction to I(1). The voltage drop by I(2) is -3 I(2).

In the second loop, we take the direction of 7V battery as positive. Hence, the voltage drop by current I(2) is positive. Since the current I(3) is the same direction as I(2). The voltage drop by I(3) is positive.

The same argument applies to the 7V battery in the two loops.

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