幫忙翻譯英文 - 通知學校放假

2010-02-06 9:59 am
因係幼稚園, 所以吾須要信既形式, 只須係手冊留言通知小朋友請假詳情!

請幫忙翻譯英文, 內容如下:-

因瑩瑩將於農曆新年去旅行, 所以須請假數天至23/2, 24/2會回校上課! 特此通知! 謝!!

回答 (8)

2010-02-06 1:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I shall be grateful if you can approve Ying Ying’s absence from school for a few days. The reason is she will be going on a trip in the Lunar New Year. She will be back to school on 24/2. Thanks for your attention in this matter.
2010-02-08 11:43 pm
As a result of ying ying to the lunar new year on a trip, the leave of absence for a few days to 23/2, 24/2 will go back to school! Take notice! Thanks!!
參考: myself
2010-02-08 8:06 pm
Yingying will be due to the Lunar New Year travel, so it must leave a few days to 23 / 2, 24 / 2 will be coming back to school! Hereby notified! Thank!!
2010-02-07 3:36 am
Yingying will be due to the Lunar New Year travel, so it must leave a few days to 23 / 2, 24 / 2 will be coming back to school! Hereby notified! Thank!!
2010-02-07 3:18 am
Because glistening Chinese new year will travel, must therefore ask for leave for several days to 23/2, 24/2 will return to the school to attend class! Specially notice! Thanks!!
參考: Yahoo
2010-02-06 5:59 pm
Yingying will be due to the Lunar New Year travel, so it must leave a few days to 23 February, 24 February will be coming back to school! Hereby notified! Thank!!
2010-02-06 10:32 am
Yingying will be due to the Lunar New Year travel, so it must leave a few days to 23 / 2, 24 / 2 will be coming back to school! Hereby notified! Thank!!

2010-02-06 02:34:25 補充:
參考: me, me
2010-02-06 10:09 am
Since we will take Ying Ying on a family trip around Chinese New Year holidays, she will be absent from school on 22/2 and 23/2, and will return to school/class on 24/2. Thank You.

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