
2010-02-06 9:02 am

回答 (4)

2010-02-11 8:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
How do you do? Thank you very much for giving me an opportunity of interview.

My name is xxx aged xx years old. I live in xxx and I am a Form 5 graduate.

My previous employment was assistant nurse in a clinic. The main duties of my post was registering patients' information, dispensing medicines and answering questions and phone calls from the patients. The reason I resigned from my previous employment was that I wanted to know more and get experience in other companies.

I have an outgoing personality and a strong sense of responsibility. Besides, my strong adaptability allows me to get myself used to different working environment quickly.

Besides my works, my hobbies are using computers, playing piano and shopping.

I am much interested in this post. Even though I may not do very well in some assignments, I will work hard to learn and try my best. I hope your company will give me a chance to contribute my abilities.
2010-02-07 3:40 am
Xiu bother to help me to translate thxthxthxthxthx .....

My name is xxx. Nianer year-old. I read a year after graduating in 5 Beauty Make-up courses ...

Do not work after three years of sales. Suitable for a suitable for a Department of xxx company to do not work for two years sales. Is mainly responsible for introducing & promoting their products

As well as the freight yard clean and tidy ... which to learn team spirit. And upgrade my own sales techniques.

I go by itself, more make-up. And I am also interested in a good make-up. So good and enthusiastic to join the industry.

Hope that your company's more than chance

2010-02-06 19:41:46 補充:
Xiu bother to help me to translate thxthxthxthxthx .....



2010-02-06 10:39 am
My name is xxx. 22 year-old. I read a year after graduating in 5 Beauty Make-up courses ...
To do not work after three years of sales. Suitable for a suitable for a Department of xxx company to do not work for two years sales. Is mainly responsible for introducing & promoting their products
As well as the freight yard clean and tidy ... which to learn team spirit. And upgrade my own sales techniques.
I myself go by itself, more make-up. And I am also interested in a good make-up. So good and enthusiastic to join the industry.
Hope that your company than the chance
2010-02-06 9:59 am
I have been working in XXX company as a temp or contract clerk for XXX years, during this period, my job duties are mainly for xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I gained the experience about how to communication with clients / telephone manner / computer skills / events arrangement....etc. I believe these valuable experience could help me to achieve an objective in the new company.
The reason that I leave the previous company is because the contract is finished.

主要都係交代前公司做左幾耐係咩post , 主要做咩職責, 及學懂乜野經驗, 最重要係呢d經驗點幫到你去新公司工作.及離職原因.

希望幫到你, 我想講得輕鬆少少好似傾計咁, 而唔係網上可以抄到咁公式一式一樣呆板咁...但文法我都...........盡力架喇, 我英文都係有限公司.

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