how do I sell myself?

2010-02-06 2:54 am
i am taking co-op right now, and there will be a presentation on Monday . The title is "Why should someone hire you" How can I sell myself? Do I just list all my advantages? How do I make is long..
can anyone give me an example?

DON't Think wrong guyz How should I start my presentation?

回答 (12)

2010-02-06 2:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
sell yourself? ummm you are a skank...
2010-02-06 3:03 am
that question is so wrong, just the title
2010-02-06 2:59 am
talk about how you are unique and a one of a kind
tell your advantages, goals, and other characteristics about you
good luck :)
2010-02-06 2:58 am
When i first looked at your question i thought you were a hucker,LOLbe original,
2016-12-12 6:04 am
in case you have been vegetarian for a whilst, i could attempt to make the swap to vegan. the way I see it, it would not unavoidably save you skinny, in spite of if it keeps you lean. i began out eating plenty greater of course, felt greater acceptable, and have been given interior the habit. Even my epidermis cleared up, greater so than when I visited the dermatologist months in the past. it may artwork against you if it extremely is all you initiate off eating because of the fact your physique would not be getting the nutrition it needs to take care of itself. Plus you will get bored of it, particularly speedy. i could supply a vegan weight loss application some concept, possible get all you protein, iron, zinc, and so on. in and help you reside in wonderful condition, as long as you exercising additionally. exercising is top.
2010-02-06 3:15 pm
Dear Wasabi, from personal experience the best to sell yourself is being creative (and honest), I am sure you have many attributes that you probably have not realized such as good sense of humor (companies don't like grumps), good imagination, creativity, common sense (the less common of the senses), hard worker, loyal, good team player.

Also do a bit of research on the net about the company, products, services and try to imagine how could you contribute to the success of the company, if nothing comes to your mind it is good to say because of my a, b, c, I can contribute with the success and growht of your organization.

All the best
2010-02-06 3:10 am
Try picturing yourself as the interviewer in an interview situation for a job in your ideal industry. What would they be looking for and how do your skills and experience coincide. Acknowledge your weaknesses as well, such as a lack of experience in your field but back that up with what you think you can do well. You need to look at both sides though, not just your advantages, and that will lengthen it out. Good luck!
2010-02-06 3:06 am
just try to be origanal also maybe you should be breif ( not too short) but effective since that can be really important too
good luck
p.s they way u worded your qu i was a bout to give a sacarstis answer lol
2010-02-06 3:04 am
The important thing is to seem not nervous at all; look like you are just doing presenting natuarly. I know that this might be very hard, but practice. When you are doing the presentation, just talk to the audience like you would talk to your bff! Smile, and be confident. There are a lot of special qualities that would make you a good employee, but don't list them. Mention them in the presentation, but make them blend in with everything else your saying. Don't try to make a big presentation with big words that would bore people, instead speak from your heart, and you will do great!
2010-02-06 3:00 am
Is this for a specific company? Do they want you to act as though you were being hired for the company?
If so, you need to determine what would make you the best candidate for the job then tell them why that particular skill makes you such a wonderful person for whichever position you're trying to fill.
2010-02-06 2:58 am

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