mean what?

2010-02-06 2:39 am
amusement park mean?

beside mean?

hospital mean?

jealous mean?

mess mean?

nappy mean?

picked up mean?

relatives mean?

remember mean?

回答 (5)

2010-02-06 3:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hello keefung2009 ~~

Do you mean that the above English words need English meaning?

If yes, you may refer the meanings below:

(You may use the following website to define the words' meanings:

amusement park → an outdoor area with a variety of mechanical rides, games, and other attractions that people pay to use

beside → near, next to

hospital → a building where people receive medical, surgical, or psychiatric treatment and nursing care

jealous → feeling bitter and unhappy because of another's advantages, possessions, or luck

mess → dirty or untidy(often referring to a room), in a chaotic situation

nappy → short form of napkin

picked up → There are many definitions: take up something, to gather up things that have been dropped or have fallen to the ground

relatives → members of a family

remember → to recall something to mind or become aware of something that had been forgotten

Some meanings were changed by me from the Internet because clearer definitions will be provided for you.

Hope that it will be helped ~~~~~

2010-02-05 19:35:11 補充:
002 的那一位,為何您又重蹈覆轍?發問者已經向 001 的那一位說明要 english(雖然打錯了字),為何您又再用中文呢?

Yogi 上
參考: Yogi
2010-02-07 8:00 pm
amusement park =遊樂園

beside =旁邊

hospital =醫院

jealous =妒忌

mess =食堂

nappy =尿布

picked up =拾起來

relatives =親屬

remember =記得
2010-02-06 3:32 am
amusement park =遊樂園

beside =旁邊/和...相比/在...之旁

hospital =醫院

jealous =妒忌

mess =食堂

nappy =啤酒

picked up =拾起來

relatives =親戚

remember =記得



2010-02-07 15:43:23 補充:
參考: me
2010-02-06 2:48 am
relatives = 親戚
2010-02-06 2:45 am
amusement park =遊樂園

beside =在旁邊

hospital =醫院

jealous =妒忌

mess =食堂

nappy =啤酒

picked up =拾起來

relatives =比較

remember =記得

2010-02-07 18:03:31 補充:

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