營運總裁 vs 行政總裁

2010-02-05 11:00 pm
營運總裁 (COO) vs 行政總裁 (CEO)

有誰可話我知, 佢地在工作上負責的野有咩唔同? 假如佢地在同一間時裝集團工作, 邊個高級D? 請詳細小小回答我, 唔該晒~

回答 (2)

2010-02-06 12:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
老闆當時係 CEO la. CEO 先係最大. 唔至係時裝集團內. 係其他集團都一樣. CEO 對落通常會有 COO 及 CFO. COO 負責 operation 方面. CFO 就係管 finance. 工作上好明顯 COO 係做 operation 營運. 如係 fashion group. 即係管理門市運作, sales & marketing, PR之類.
2010-02-08 9:22 pm
well the head of the company is chairman. CEO is under chairman.
CEO is manager who management the company's strategy plan for the company future. after he finish the plan will distribution to lower level manager, who is COO,CFO,CIO etc.

2010-02-08 13:23:14 補充:
COO is A chief operating officer or chief operations officer (COO) is a corporate officer responsible for managing the day-to-day activities of the corporation and for operations management (OM).

2010-02-08 13:23:51 補充:
The COO is one of the highest-ranking members of an organization's senior management, monitoring the daily operations of the company and reporting to the board of directors and the top executive officer, usually the chief executive officer (CEO).

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