London U External/Heriot Watt

2010-02-05 10:18 pm
Hi, I would like to apply for a part-time bachelor degree programme in hk while I am working a full time job.

I want to know which one is the best:

1. Part-time degree in University of London External System through HKU Space;

2. Part-time degree in Heriot-Watt University through Poly U;

3. Local U part-time degrees (such as those in Poly U or City U, but I think is not easy to get in)

Please also advice if there are any other good choices too if possible!

Many many thanks!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2010-02-05 10:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Of course local university part time degree is the first choice
Second choice is OUHK distance learning BBA (no entry require)
Third choice is 大學校外進修 offer 的 local degree. eg. PolyU SPEED

Heriot-Watt University is the four choice
London U External is the last choice

Suggest you apply all of them, if you has offer from all of them, then you ask your question again. Now answer your question is too early.

2010-02-05 15:10:07 補充:
Heriot-Watt University and London U External is oversea degree, you need to take them to HKCAAVQ to 評估. So I put them to the last choice.
參考: my study experience
2010-02-05 11:09 pm
Though I am not sure which subject exactly you have in mind, I would advise you to take your first choice,i.e.,University of London just for its
well established good will. I understand Hong Kong University used to run
extramural courses for some, but not all, external degrees of the University of London. Any information relevant to your queries, should there be any,
can be made direct to the Senate House of University of London.
參考: my personal knowledge

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