中翻譯英, Thank you!!

2010-02-05 7:15 am
因供應商還有存貨, 並口頭答應預留紙張給我們, 足夠做22卷紙, 但要求最遲放完年假後要落訂單, 所以3月尾應可走貨。如要增加數量要視乎供應商還可給我們多少貨.

回答 (3)

2010-02-05 4:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As there is stock available, the supplier verbally confirmed that he will reserved sufficient stock to us for making 22 rolls of paper. He has also requested us to place an order to him after the Lunar New Year and the goods could then be delivered by end of March. Additional order could be fulfilled if there are more supply of stock.
2010-02-05 6:05 pm
There are a result of supplier inventory, and orally agreed to allow the paper to us, enough to make 22 rolls, but requested no later than vacation after going to place the orders, so the end of March should be able to take the goods. To increase the number of suppliers may also depend on the number of goods to us.
2010-02-05 2:19 pm
Since the supplier still have inventories and promised to prepare the documents for us, which is sufficient to manufacture 22 rolls of paper. The requirement is they have to submit the order no later than the Lunar Chinese New Year, then it will be possible to deliver at the end of March. If you would like to increase the quantities, then we have to rely on the amount of products that the supplier can provide us.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 20:34:28
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