
2010-02-04 7:51 am
A:个性卡通雕塑是根据顾客提供的人物照片,为每个顾客量身定制而成的卡通雕塑。使用原料为德国进口无毒软陶,作品历经多道工序,最后经高温烧制定型后,可以永久性保存,不会变形、变色,且材料无毒、无味,脏了以后可以用水清洗。 个性卡通雕塑脱胎于传统肖像雕塑,却一改传统肖像冷冰冰的面孔,以清新、活泼、可爱、夸张的风格展示在人们面前。它不再强调人物五官的完全准确到位、空间体积的饱满,而是关注表情的生动、可爱、以及整体的情趣、味道。它省略了一些不必要的细节,不同于写实肖像雕塑的毫发毕现,是一种玩偶性质的艺术。个性卡通雕像以真人为原型,夸张扮相宣扬可爱个性,是每个人都会喜欢的、独一无二的别致礼物。 Q:卡通雕塑有几种类型?价格如何计算?
A:有两种类型可选,固定版:即客户选择本店已经做好的限量、固定版造型,然后提供照片做头部,雕塑师搭配调整,产品完成 。价格最低188元(简单的单人),双人即双倍,加场景或配件另外收取20-120元不等
全身自定义版:即全身造型、服饰及场景、道具等都是参考客户提供的照片及个性要求纯手工创意制作的。可永久存放,高度约为15--20cm,头大身小,可爱有趣。价格最低288元(简单的单人),双人即双倍,加场景或配件酌情加收20-120元不等 Q:挑选照片时要注意哪些问题?
A:此为Q版雕塑创意礼品,主要突出个性和趣味,所谓“像”与“不像”是针对头部照片而言的,而不能以人物原型为衡量,照片的品质直接影响到产品的相似度 卡通雕塑的制作依据是客人提供的平面照片,最终的效果会受到很多因素的制约,尽管我们真诚的希望每一个客人能满意,但“像不像”,“满意”是非常主观的个体判断,因此不能以客人的完全满意与否做为产品的收货标准,卖方有权拒绝客人以“不像”,“不可爱”等类似理由要求的退款,打折!但卖家会本着诚信经营的原则尽最大努力让客人满意.我们的产品是为您量身打造的,完全手工创造的,人力物力的投入是针对特定客人的定向行投入,不能二次销售的,因此一旦订购就没办法退货或退款。

回答 (3)

2010-02-04 6:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Q: What is a personalized cartoon sculpture?
A: Personalized Cartoon sculpture is based on figures provided by the customer photos, customized for each customer made a cartoon sculpture. Use non-toxic raw materials imported from Germany FIMO, works after multi-channel processes, the final high temperature firing is formed, it can be permanently saved, not deformation, discoloration, and the material non-toxic, tasteless, dirty water after cleaning can be.
Cartoon character sculptures grew out of the traditional portrait sculptures, which changed the traditional portrait of a cold face, with fresh, lively, lovely, exaggerated style displayed in people's eyes. It is no longer emphasizes the complete and accurate facial characters in place of the full volume of space, but rather concerned about the expression of the lively, lovely, and the overall taste, taste. It omits some unnecessary details, unlike the slightest realistic portrait sculpture is now complete, is a doll character art. Cartoon character statue in order to live as a prototype, exaggerated makeup, costumes to promote lovely personality, everyone will like, unique gifts unique.

Q: Cartoon Sculpture There are several types of? How to calculate the price?
A: There are two types of optional,

Fixed version: as customers choose a restaurant has been doing a good job of limited, fixed-edition model, and provide photographs so the head sculptor with adjustments to product completion. Lowest 188 (simple, single persons), double or double, plus scenes or parts of a separate charge ranging from 20-120 yuan
A custom version of the body: that body shape, clothing and scenes, props, etc. to refer to the customer's individual requirements photographs and creative hand-crafted. Can be permanently stored, an altitude of about 15
2010-02-07 3:47 am
Q: What is a personalized cartoon sculpture?

A: Personalized Cartoon sculpture is based on figures provided by the customer photos, customized for each customer made a cartoon sculpture. Use non-toxic raw materials imported from Germany FIMO, works after multi-channel processes, the final high temperature firing is formed, it can be permanently saved, not deformation, discoloration, and the material non-toxic, tasteless, dirty water after cleaning can be.

   Cartoon character sculptures grew out of the traditional portrait sculptures, which changed the traditional portrait of a cold face, with fresh, lively, lovely, exaggerated style displayed in people's eyes. It is no longer emphasizes the complete and accurate facial characters in place of the full volume of space, but rather concerned about the expression of the lively, lovely, and the overall taste, taste. It omits some unnecessary details, unlike the slightest realistic portrait sculpture is now complete, is a doll character art. Cartoon character statue in order to live as a prototype, exaggerated makeup, costumes to promote lovely personality, everyone will like, unique gifts unique.


Q: There are several types of cartoon sculpture? How to calculate the price?

A: There are two types of optional,

Fixed version: as customers choose a restaurant has been doing a good job of limited, fixed-edition model, and provide photographs so the head sculptor with adjustments to product completion. Lowest 188 (simple, single persons), double or double, plus scenes or parts of a separate charge ranging from 20-120 yuan

2010-02-04 9:50 am



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