not only ... but問題

2010-02-04 6:12 am
a.not only did he laugh,but he also broke the glass at the same time.

回答 (4)

2010-02-04 1:21 pm
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連接not only的那句,是用了過去式(其時態已在did反映),而連接but also那句,也同樣用了過去式,其時態已在broke反映,因此並沒有前後不對稱問題

英文文法學者Micheal Swan在其Practical English Usage也有一例,如下:

Not only did we lose our money, but we were nearly killed.

b. 至於消除煩,樓上仁兄仁姐們已經答了你,但我們也可以用kill來說消除,像網上英文網站Hollywood.com就有以下標題

Celebrities Hasselhoff Turned to Alcohol to 'Kill Anxiety' ...

2010-02-04 2:11 pm
2010-02-04 9:50 am

2010-02-04 8:03 am
Not only ... but (also) ... : 不僅…而且…<對等連接詞>。
not only和but also連接的部份必須具有同等的語法成分。

(1) 如果連接兩個<動詞>時,前後的時式要一致;

Mary not only cleaned the room but (also) washed the window.

(2) 如用於連接兩個<主詞>時,重點在第二個<主詞>,因此<動詞>須與第二個<主詞>一致。

Not only you but (also) I am to blame.

(3) 若連接對等的<主要子句>,而由 not merely,not only 開頭,則要用倒裝形式。

Not only is she beautiful, but she is (also) kind.


消除煩惱 : dispel annoyance

消除焦慮 : dispel anxiety

消除憂慮 : dispel worry消除疑慮 : dispel doubt
消除恐懼 : dispel fear
消除壓力 : dispel stress

2010-02-04 09:13:08 補充:
follow the above rules,
we can correct the wrong sentence this way,

(1) Not only did he laugh,but also broke the glass.
(2) He not only laugh but also broke the glass.

2010-02-04 09:19:00 補充:
sorry for the above typing misstake,

(1) Not only did he laugh,but also broke the glass.[ with same tense 過去式]

(2) He not only laughed but also broke the glass. [ with same tense 過去式]

but 後面的 he 不需要

2010-02-04 09:39:35 補充:
but 後面的 he 不需要重複, 還是可以接受的 because referring the same subject

(3) Not only did he laugh,but he also broke the glass.[ with same tense 過去式]

(4) He not only laughed but he also broke the glass. [ with same tense 過去式]

2010-02-04 10:03:35 補充:
不需要加 at the same time

as for 2 different subjects,要用倒裝形式, not only 開頭

e.g. Not Only Did Bush Lie, But Fred also Lied.[不僅Bush撒謊 而且Fred 撒謊]

but it is wrong (錯誤)to say,

e.g. Bush Not Only Lie, But Fred also Lied.[Bush不僅撒謊 而且Fred 撒謊](錯誤)

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