Which 同 in which 有咩唔同,如何應用?

2010-02-04 6:09 am
我正係識用個which 做連接詞...
好似咁I hate swimming which is dangerous.

咁in which 又點用?
I hate swimming in which is dangerous 又得唔得?又有咩分別?

回答 (5)

2010-02-05 2:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
你已經掌握到which的用法,所以不談。你在用which時是說前句最後那樣東西,所以你那句的後半是說因為swimming is dangerous。但是in which的用法簡單而言是講前句全句意思,所以如果寫I hate swimming, in which...一般要在第一句完結時加逗號,所以in which有點似作「因此」解,表示I hate swimming的原因或後果。

I hate swimming, in which causes me to dislike summer also.
當然這句特別作出來並不太順。尤如說: I hate swimming. It causes me to ...

2010-02-05 4:58 am
I hate swimming, in which causes me to dislike summer also.

why not I hate swimming, which causes me to dislike summer also.

is the preposition in necessary? i have never seen before. is it wrong?
2010-02-04 9:50 am


2010-02-04 8:47 am
in which - where
School is the place in which students fight.
I hate swimming in which is dangerous X
2010-02-04 8:08 am
I hate swimming. Swimming is dangerous.
So you can write: I hate swimming which is dangerous.
The word (which) refers to swimming.

Peter went to Wanchai. I live in Wanchai.
So I can write: Peter went to Wanchai in which I live.
The word (which) refers to Wanchai. Because I live IN Wanchai, so I put the word (in) before (which).

If you write: Peter went to Wanchai which I live.
Then the separate sentences will become: Peter went to Wanchai. I live Wanchai. The second sentence is grammatically incorrect.

For the same reason, you cannot write: I hate swimming in which is dangerous. If you do that, the separate setences become: I hate swimming. Swimming is dangerous in. The second sentence is incorrect.

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