邊間大學Top up degree好D呢?

2010-02-04 5:54 am
我讀IVE酒店旅遊HD,諗緊邊間大學既Top up degree會好D
Polyu speed - Travel Industry Management

浸大專業進修學院 - Tourism & Hospitality Management
The University of South Australiza合辦,讀1年,約$96000,無Hons

中大專業進修學院 - Hotel Management
Griffith University,Australiza合辦,讀1年,約$104400,無Hons

HKu space - International Hospitality Management / Tourism Management
University of Surrey,UK合辦,讀2年,約$84000,有Hons

Cityu scope - Northumbria University,UK合辦
1. Hospitality & Services Management,讀1.5年,約$60000,無Hons
2. Travel&Tourism Management,讀1年,約$78000,有Hons

好苦惱...又擔心呢...麻煩大家幫幫忙 THX~

回答 (1)

2010-02-04 6:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I will choice PolyU speed - Travel Industry Management
It is because it is a local degree. Other is oversea degree
You can join PolyU alumni after graducate from SPEED and use the PolyU alumni e-mail address.
參考: I am SPEED graducate

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