Talk or talking

2010-02-03 10:14 pm
Hello everyone, I come across a sentence that seems to be grammatically wrong, can you help me see if it is really incorrect?

[All you have to do is talk back]

I am wondering why [talk] is used in lieu of [talking], or should I regard [talk back] as a whole thing, like a nominal phrase?


回答 (2)

2010-02-04 12:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
The sentence you came across " All you have to do is talk back " is absolutely grammatically correct as it stands for the sentence " All you have to do is to talk back. "
However, the sentnce remains equally grammatically correct if " talking back " is used in lieu, because you have just used a noun phrase that makes the sentence sound clumsy, though the meaning thereof remains
參考: my English knowledge
2010-02-03 10:24 pm
You're correct to say "I regard [talk back] as a whole thing."
You're correct in saying "I regard [talk back] as a whole thing."

It is a phrasal verb.

talk back = 駁嘴

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 01:23:33
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