
2010-02-03 8:38 pm










回答 (3)

2010-02-04 9:38 am
✔ 最佳答案

Let’s go to the restaurant to relax.
How about going to eat the restaurant with you?
What is bothering you?
You seem to be a bit unhappy.
I studied in Hong Kong before.
I don’t really like him.
It seems like you are reluctant to do so.
Having him to pick up the tab is kind of uneasy to me.
9. I am an acquaintance with him only.
2010-02-04 6:21 am
1. Should we go to the restaurant and have a seat?
2. Or else I go to have something to eat with you.
3. What are you doing?
4. You seem to have something upset.
5. I studies in Hong Kong before.
6. I don't like very much if you are talking about him.
7. You seem not willing to do this.
8. If we need him to pay, it is not very good.
9. I am not very familiar with him.
2010-02-03 11:44 pm
1) Shall we take a break at a caffee or restaurant ?
2) Would you rather eat with me together ?
3) What is the matter with you ?
4) You look unhappy to me.
5) I studied in Hong Kong before.
6) I don't like him that much.
7) You don't seem to like it.
8) I feel a bit embarrassed to let him(or her) pay for us.
9) I am not all that familiar with him (or her).
參考: my English knowledge

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