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首先 IP CAM,←IP係行NETWORK咁解, 我係某電腦公司的技術員, 我公司賣好多IP CAM, 至平
個隻由$680到至貴$5XXX左右, 咁IP CAM原意係你裝晌A地方, 需要晌B地方睇返A地方....咁
所以要經NOTWORK, 咁用ROUTER就係要行IP(網路地址)...IP CAM裝的地方係唔需要有電
腦, 只係需要有LAN & ROUTER就連上INTERNET, 令你可以晌其他有電腦 OR 3G電話睇返 !!
I guess your firmware is not up-to-date. It sounds like that your IP-Cam is trying to read the absolute http path instead of realative (so to use DYNDNS.com).
Your entering path is xxx.DYNDNS.com but on feedback of moved image it may return your LAN/WAN IP, eg: 202.xxx.xxx .xxx or 192.168.1.xxx, so it yields "failed connect".
I won't guess it is a port's problem as you have tested on various networks and routers.
I also suggest you to call the company representing the CAM. Their technical support should know the problem very way.