
2010-02-03 8:23 am

回答 (2)

2010-02-03 12:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
以訪客身分入境英國,持有香港正式駕駛執照,自入境日起12個月內,可以駕駛 1.電單車;2.等於或少於3.5噸及含司機等於或小於9坐的汽車(包括 英國本地或外地入境的車輛)。如果同時持有大型車輛類駕照(例如 重型貨車、巴士 等),則只可以駕駛你所駕駛入英國境內的那輛大型車輛。
以居民身分入境英國,持有香港正式駕駛執照,自成為居民身分起12個月內,可以駕駛 電單車 及 輕型汽車(<=3.5T 及 <=9人)。超過12個月如需要繼續駕駛,請在該12個月內辦理免試換領英國駕照的手續。
Gibraltar and Designated Countries
GB has reciprocal exchange agreements with Gibraltar and 15 designated countries.
The designated countries are:
Australia, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Canada, Falkland Islands, Faroe Islands*, Hong Kong, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, Republic of Korea*, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland and Zimbabwe.
If you are a visitor in GB, and hold full ordinary entitlement, you can drive any category of vehicle, up to 3.5 tonnes and with up to eight passenger seats, shown on your licence for up to 12 months from the date you last entered GB, whether or not you brought the vehicle into GB. If you also hold full entitlement to drive large lorries or buses you are only allowed to drive large vehicles registered outside the GB that you have driven into the country.
If you are a resident in GB and provided your full licence remains valid, you can drive small vehicles for 12 months from the time you became resident. To ensure continuous driving entitlement, you must exchange your licence for a GB one before the 12 months end.
If you do not do this you must stop driving although you may apply to exchange your licence at any time within five years of becoming resident.
*Motorcycle entitlement from the Republic of Korea and Faroe Islands is not exchangeable.
Vocational designated licence holders
New residents may not drive medium or large vehicles or passenger carrying vehicles until they have passed the relevant GB driving test. Gibraltar vocational licence holders can drive for 12 months, and can exchange a valid vocational licence within five years of date of residency.
參考: GB DVLA+我是一個擁有中 港 澳 台駕照的人士
2016-02-13 5:59 pm




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