
2010-02-03 4:57 am
Q1.People had no cars 點解要用no,不用not??? People had not cars

回答 (3)

2010-02-03 6:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
dangood123456君 :
你的問題其實很簡單, 但我相信用中文解釋會令你更易明白。' no '中文解作 ' 沒有 ' 而' not '則中文解作 ' 不是 ', 所以第一句" People had no cars."可直譯作 "人們沒有車 " 而第二句則可譯作 "人們有不是車"。
上述只是粗畧的解釋, 其實" People had no cars. " 和 " People had not cars"在文法上大大不同。第一句中的 ' no cars' 是兩字合為一個名詞, 一件東西, 文法上稱做一個' noun phrase ',而 ' had ' 是解作有的過去式,於是乎整句的意思即是" 人們有' 沒車 '. ",句子結構及文法絕對正確, 反過來說,第二句的'had
not' 兩字加起來才成為一個動詞( verb ) 可解作'有不是',那整句便成了" 人們有不是車 ",那麽句子的結構和文法也錯了。我希望你細心參詳我對該兩句話的解釋而有所領悟。
參考: my English knowledge
2010-02-03 7:33 am
good question

請小心一樣野,只有細心分析後才知的,就係had no cars不等於had not cars.
had no cars = did not have cars.

had not 係不會出現在過去式.因為
had not 只會出現在過去完成式past perfect tense.
eg i had not finished my homework.(過去完成式)
eg I had not had money(過去完成式)

由於had no cars 係過去式,它的negative form 就係過去式的否定式 did not have no cars.(例子i knew it 的否定式就係i did know it.)因此i had not cars並不對等or錯的。

there is no money=there is not money(they are both present tense, and the meaning are the same.there is no difference between them)

remind you again, i had no cars=i did not have cars.
also, i have no cars =i do not have cars
參考: 如果你明我明既野就好,否則另請高謀。
2010-02-03 5:38 am

參考: ME

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