
2010-02-03 3:25 am
我想問下返溫哥華乘 Cathay Pacific 或Air Canada 或American Airlines 較好?

回答 (2)

2010-02-05 8:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
I like CX as it is has more schedule and the time is convenience. Especially the direct flight. Just have a good sleep then will arrive Canada in noon time.
Air Canada is also very good. My anutie always use mailage to exchange the ticket back to HK.
AA is not preferred as it is a America Airlines, risk is higher.
2010-02-08 8:08 am
Cathay Pacific 或Air Canada , 都有直機, 邊間好? 其實兩間都好, 睇下邊間平就坐邊間囉.
American Airlines 是沒有直機到, 仲要經美國, 要囉美國transit visa, 你有無呢 ?
表面看來, 票價可能平, 不過, 加埋稅都係差唔多要比咁多錢.

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