
2010-02-03 1:25 am
請問 1億5仟萬的英文寫法是甚麼,謝謝!

回答 (4)

2010-02-03 1:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
One Hundred and Fifty Million or
A Hundred and Fifty Million

2010-02-02 17:33:10 補充:
其實你要知道一個數字嘅英文點寫, 最簡單係先將個數字寫出嚟, 由右手邊向左, 每3個數就加個逗號 (150,000,000) 由右邊數過嚟, 第四個數就係 Thousand 為單位, 再跳過下一個逗號, 即係第七個數字起, 就係 Million 作單位.

2010-02-02 18:53:05 補充:
How about 0.15 Billion (singular, not plural) ;)

This is not such a bad idea when the unit is in "billion", like the count of germs/bacteria, or a national deficit, but is quite odd for more general usage.
2010-02-12 1:44 am
one point five billion (1點5億)
2010-02-12 1:41 am
~One Hundred and Fifty Million~
2010-02-03 1:54 am
0.15 billions xD

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