how to solve x(2y+3) ?

2010-02-01 1:36 pm
is the answer.. 2yx^2 + x^3 ?

thanks alot :( have no idea how dumb i can get ...ahh

回答 (6)

2010-02-01 1:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
x(2y + 3)
= x(2y) + x(3)
= 2xy + 3x
2010-02-01 1:39 pm
It's not an equation, so it can't be solved. If you want to expand the expression using the distributive rule:
x(2y + 3) = 2xy + 3x
2010-02-01 1:44 pm
2xy + 3x
2010-02-01 1:43 pm
Since it is not an equation so there isnt much you can do more.
2010-02-01 1:42 pm
it is the distributive property
so it is
and the a is x, b is 2y, and c is 3
so it is basically
so it is
2xy+3x. and you cant make it more simple, so thats ur answer
2010-02-01 1:40 pm
it should be 2xy+3x

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