How can i stop feeling so lighthead/dizzy & difficult breathing a lot? im 31?

2010-02-01 8:57 am
For 2 years now i keep feeling light head/dizzy & difficulty breathing, i went to the doctor who arranged for a blood test for me the results and it turned out nothing was wrong. i also did mri brain scan & nothing wrong with it.

Is it anything i can do to stop getting light head/dizzy? what happend to me?

Thank you xx

回答 (2)

2010-02-01 4:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Kevin,you may be dehydrated and not consuming enough water,water can helps us to flush out all of the toxins from our bodies,it can ward off headaches and fatigue and feeling dizzy,you know that you are consuming enough if when you use the bathroom your urine is clear,I live on water and I always carry a water bottle with me when ever I leave the house,try drinking more and see if this doesn't make a difference for you,Tomb Raider.
2016-02-27 3:51 pm
Dear Sonal, I feel that it was not love but a mere attraction. Not necessary that the attraction needs to be physically or sexually, it can be even that, u start loving some one because he is caring you.!! But did you cross checked whether you have things in common or will you be really happy ? Now forget the past !! So now you need to understand is that communication is the backbone of every relationship. If it breaks, relationship breaks. Above all you are gifted with a small baby boy, so for his future you need to come together, share some points, try to talk to each other and one more thing, keep calm. Men some time don't like that you know people interfere in their life so you need to have "Sakshi -bhav" and also "Sahan-shilta" don't get angry or panic if he tries to scold you out. Try giving as much as love you can give to him, don't forget husband is just like a child, some times angry, ugly, bad but still innocent and still loving. So don't let go the fragrance in the relation and one day for sure you will be a good couple. And don't loose hope don't get depressed , every morning you should have faith in yourself as well as in divine. May god bless you all.
2010-02-01 9:48 am
I have the same exact problem......taking deep breaths...always yawning...can't sleep on my back ..always dizzy.............theres been a time in the past that I did not come out the house for a entire year.....I have no clue why I have it or how I got it.....I was never likke this....but I am proud I over powered the fear of coming out the can't let this be the best of you.....

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