冇犯法都可能要坐監..法律公平嗎 ?

2010-02-02 12:31 am
男人A 俾小偷偷了電話, 跟住A搵朋友B, C出頭, 因為B, C認識小偷, 希望可以問佢攞返個電話. 結果, B , C 帶左小偷去B的公司(當時B公司冇人,只有A,B, C) ,叫小偷寫欠單(因為小偷把電話賣了), 咁岩這個時候, A 很嬲, 打了小偷一餐..但 B, C 沒有打小偷..
事件過了個多月, 警察才到B公司收集證據..並且控告A,B,C 三人非法禁錮, 勒索, 及打人..
我認識B 同 C, 他們已問過法援律師意見, 律師說證供對他們三人很不利, 只有一半勝數...什至小於一半..
但B同C 明明冇打人...
禁錮.. 我唔知算唔算, 但起初小偷係同意跟佢地去呀B公司, 同時, 小偷全程冇表示過想走...
勒索.. 佢地只係想叫小偷還返電話D錢... 冇要求小偷支付額外的金錢...
當然, 小偷落口供時, 講大話LA.....
請問有冇咩理據可以SUPPORT 到B 同 C 冇講大話...?? 點先可以脫罪...???
佢地真係冇做到GA... 係咪真係會坐監 ? (B同C 都有案底, 但唔係同類型, 係賣VCD 果D)
如果萬一真係要坐監.. 想上訴, 手續係點GA ? 到時可以轉律師嗎 ? 費用又要幾多呢 ?? 佢地冇錢GA...今次已經申請法援, 上訴時可以嗎 ?? 同埋上訴要等幾耐 ?


回答 (3)

2010-02-03 2:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Based on the situation, B and C does not look good at all.

However, due to the legal system has to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the person(s) is guilty as charged. So there are several things can be done (without obstructing justice).

1. Dis-credit the witness - The key here is to prove that the witness (the thief) is not creditable in term of his testimony by proving that he did steal the phone and sold it.

Although doing so does not explain anything at all, it gave a motive (or excuse) to the witness that he is willing to go with B and C as he knows he is in trouble.

2. The Course of Confinement - Confinement means he was hold without his consent. But why did he meet B and C in the first place? In other word, B and C has to "invite" the witness to come out so that he can go to B's company. Text message, phone record can be helpful to prove that he is not held as hostage.

3. B's and C's reaction - Did B and C stop A from hitting the witness?

It is simply my opinion. It may work or not work. You should probably discuss with your lawyers with my opinion.
2010-02-02 2:03 am
如果你所講既係事實, 只要A講番件事人係佢自己打, 數係佢自己追, B 同 C 只係因為識小偷所以先做介紹, 不過如果入到:非法禁錮, 勒索, 及打人, B 同 C都會係同謀, 並唔可以置身事外, 唉, 其實俾人偷竊仲要知道邊個係小偷又點會唔報警? 仲要佢簽欠單?你故佢借錢唔還咩? 我都有懷疑,法官又點會唔懷疑??
2010-02-02 1:12 am
首先你係咪已經知道, 邊個人偷咗你電話? 你地幾個人到過既地方, 有無CCTV- 閉路電視, 看更; 管理員...等證人. 可以證明當事人並未被脅持. , 包括你地到達, 同埋離開的情況及細節. 你地第一次俾差人請番去, 攞口供之時, 是否- 1. 支唔以; 2. 極力否認...等? 點解仲可以俾差人食住上- 如果你話無做的話.
另愈無錢; 愈無物業, 搵法援就最著數. 聽下律師講囉, 或者你走去告你個FD偷電話都得既.

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