the ones 和the one 的分別..

2010-02-01 8:16 am
1. the ones 和the one 的分別....
2. set out = set off= start journey?

3. 'the population will eventually increase to around eight million.' 可有更好的句子或表達嗎?

Thank you!

回答 (2)

2010-02-02 12:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. the ones 和the one 的分別

One(單); Ones(複)

He found his loved one。他找到他的情人
They found their loved ones。他們找到他們的情人

2. set out = set off= start journey?

(1) set out:開始
He set out to paint the whole house but finished only the front part.
(2)set off:出發,動身
They set off in search of the lost child.

3. the population will eventually increase to around eight million.

The population of the city will rise  to five million.
2010-02-02 2:07 am
The ones = 眾多的人
The ones who left are the lucky ones. 離開了的是幸運的一群。
The one = 某一個人
The one who knows your name. 那個知到你名字的人。

Set out 和 set off分別有數個解釋。然而,它們也帶有「啟程」或「開始出發」之意思(分別見下面第五項)。
Set Out
I. To begin an earnest attempt; undertake: He set out to understand why the plan had failed.
II. To lay out systematically or graphically: set out a terrace.
III. To display for exhibition or sale.
IV. To plant: set out seedlings.
V. To start a journey: She set out at dawn for town
Set Off
I a. To give rise to; cause to occur: set off a chemical reaction.
I b. To cause to explode: set off a bomb.
I c. To make suddenly or demonstrably angry: The clerk's indifference finally set me off.
II. To indicate as being different; distinguish: features setting him off from the crowd.
III. To direct attention to by contrast; accentuate: set off a passage with italics.
IV. To counterbalance, counteract, or compensate for: Our dismay at her leaving was set off by our knowing that she was happy.
V. To start on a journey: set off for Europe.

The population will reach some eight million eventually.
參考: hkslot

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