How can I graduate within three years?

2010-02-01 2:43 am
How can I graduate within three years? I mean in university.
I'm a 11 grade student, besides take more AP class, what can I do now to help me to graduate within three years in the university?
also, after I started my university, what can I do to make sure I can graduate within 3 years?

回答 (5)

2010-02-01 3:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Well if you take enough ap classes and receive a 3,4,5 on your test you might have
the chance of entering college as a sophomore.
all you have to do is ask the college you want to attend what are their procedures in this matter.
you should try to do it because after all your are saving yourself a whole year of college which can save you money especially if you plan to go on to graduate school.
參考: Heard that some people have done it from my ap teacher.
2010-02-01 3:08 am
Honestly... most college students are damned lucky to graduate in 4 years.

AP classes won't really help you unless you're prepared to take the AP exams that go along with them... and the exams will only help you if the university you're finally accepted to grants credit hours for high scores (and of course you have to meet their scoring requirements to get the credits).

If you really want to graduate in 3 years, do the math. In general, universities require a minimum of 120 credit hours (meeting all educational and major program requirements) to graduate. Over 4 years, assuming you don't take summer school classes, that's 15 credit hours per semester. If you want to graduate in three years, you will need to, essentially, cram 2 additional semesters (or 30 credit hours) into your first three years. That means you're looking at 20 credit hours per semester, assuming you don't take summer classes.

That in mind, some colleges actually limit the number of credit hours you can take per semester to 18. So, assuming you don't get any credit hours from your AP exams, and you take 18 credit hours per semester for 6 semesters, you'll still need to make up an additional 12 credit hours... and that means summer classes during at least one of the two summers of your 3-year college career.

So yeah... there's a reason university traditionally lasts 4 years. It can be done in less time, but it's damned hard, and you're much more likely to burn out mid-way through. If you're willing to take on that kind of challenge, I wish you luck.
2016-09-22 10:32 am
Let's consider that you're attending a tuition that calls for a hundred and twenty credit with a purpose to graduate with a Bachelor's and makes use of semesters as a substitute than quarters. (You will have to be in a position to evolve this to a tuition making use of quarters or that counts credit in a further method.) You would take 15 credit each and every semester in the course of the Fall and Spring semesters, for this reason incomes ninety credit in three years, plus 15 credit in each and every of the two Summer semesters that fall among the three years wherein you attend Fall and Spring. If you went as much as 18 credit each and every Fall and Spring semester for the second and third years, you would drop to nine credit within the Summers. (Summer semesters are probably condensed, that means you spend extra time at school each and every week than you do within the Fall and Spring, and hence extra time finding out external of sophistication.) Now, whether or not or no longer the Chemistry and Biochemistry departments present the categories you would want more often than not adequate for this to honestly paintings is an additional query. If I have been you, I'd sit down down with an guide in my most important division and check out to paintings up a measure plan that included simply the measure necessities and prerequisite guides for pharmacy tuition. The standard schooling categories and electives are the handy facet of the making plans. And if you want a task to pay a few of your charges, that is an additional competencies obstacle. If you're running adequate hours, you might not be in a position to take 18 credit a semester.
2010-02-01 3:49 am
You should be aware that the AP classes do not automatically give you college credit. Some schools will give credit for a score of 5 on the exam, some will give an exemption from certain pre-requisite courses or required gen ed courses for a score of 4 [e.g. you might not have to take the freshman "remedial" writing/comp course if you did well on the English Comp AP].

You might be able to finish in three years by taking extra courses each semester [e.g. 18 credits instead of 15] and/or by taking a full load in summer school. Not all the classes you'd need would be offered in summer school, however, so you'd need to plan carefully.
2010-02-01 3:43 am
Take classes through the summer semesters.

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