買nikon 18-105mm鏡問題

2010-02-01 6:11 am
小弟用緊D3000kit set,原本係有支18~55mm鏡,另外買左支35mm f1,8,宜家覺得遠景個邊有多少唔夠用,想買支18-105mm鏡用,但係咁樣就好似支18~55mm唔知點咁,各位師兄會建議買支18~105mm,然後支18~55mm當後備鏡嗎?定係應該二手平平地放左他呢-3-?

回答 (2)

2010-02-01 4:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
支18~55mm鏡是D3000kit set,一定唔好賣,賣咗你就唔能夠再叫套D3000造kit set喇,到果時你真要放左佢就會冇咁値錢,留起支鏡使D3000永遠成套是首選。


2010-02-02 8:45 am
I have bought the Nikon D5000 Kit set in last year.
It came with the AFS DX VR 18-55 lens. However, I felt this lens was a little bit below my expectation thus I've bought another kit len (AFS DX 18-70, 3.5-4.5) in 2nd hand market. (~1200).
Then I also bought another mid-long range lens (AFS DX 55-200, 4.5-5.6) at $980. It makes me cover the whole range from 18 to 200mm.
Actually, I'm looking for the AFS DX 70-300mm VR but it cost around $4000.
Alternatively, the 55-200 and relative cheap but worth to use it. (Light in weight and compact in size.)

Finally, I sell the 18-55 kit lens with $500.

If you want to keep the 18-55, I would suggest you buy the 55-200 VR version (around $1500). It will give you the unexpected good quality with the reasonable cost. If you are affortable, the AFS 70-300 VR is the best choice.
Don't buy the 18-105 unless you want to sell the 18-55. My suggestion is Don't waste money to buy the duplicated range (18-55 / 18-105).

By the way, Nikon's Nikkor lens would be the best choice instead of other brands.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 21:17:33
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