
2010-02-01 5:03 am
1. what do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficuit for each other?

2. a pohone call is good. but you can re-read a letter.

3. yes, there is a talkability that can express itself even without words. there is an exchange of thought and feeling which is happy alike in speech and in silence. it is quietness pervaded with friendship.

4. friendship, although incredibly sensitive to mood and need, is apparently blind to appearances. schoofriends─skinny, spotty, besotted with ballet and palominos─see no change in each other, forty years on.

5. that best portion of a good man's life, his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.

6. friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.

7. there's nothing worth the wear of winning, but laughter and the love of friends.

8. the test of friendship is assistance in adversity, and that, too, unconbitional assistance.

9. the thread of our life would be dark, heaven knows! if it were not with friendship and love intertwin'd.

10. friendshiplink and loop and interweave until they mesh the would.

11. what a wretched lot of old shrivelled creatures we shall be by-and-by. never mind─the uglier we get in the eyes of others, the lovelier we shall be to each other.

12. the best rule of friendship is to keep your heart a little softer than your head.

睇得出...但如果係字典譯, 我都可以做到... 有無人可以幫到我, 十二萬分感激!>_

回答 (3)

2010-02-01 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 如我們不為彼此生活舒愁解困,我們活著究竟為了甚麼?

2. 致電也不錯。但是,你也可以重新翻閱一封信。

3. 是的,縱使一言不發,同樣可以「說出來」,表達自己。思想及感情上的交流,不論是言談間的、或沉默的,一樣可以感覺快樂。平靜之間,瀰漫著點滴友誼。

4. 雖然友誼很易被情緒及實際需要所影響,卻似乎與外觀扯不上關係。老同學們 - 瘦弱的、滿臉粉刺的、迷戀巴蕾及palominos的 - 就算再過四十年,對方的印象依然不變。

5. 好人的生命之中,那最佳的部份,就是他微細的、匿名的、被忘記了的,一份友善與愛的美好行為。

6. 友誼常常是一份窩心的責任,而非一個機會。

7. 不在乎勝利的消逝,只在乎朋友間的笑聲與愛。

8. 友誼的試煉,還看逆境的協助;也就是無條件的協助。

9. 若沒有友誼與愛的編織交纏,生命的牽線也許是灰暗的。天曉得!

10. 友誼透過連繫、纏繞、交織;直至將創傷網結修復。

11. 多麼可悲,我們將來必然是又老又皺之輩。不緊要 – 當對方眼中的我越是醜陋,我們之間必更覺得對方可愛。
12. 友誼最佳的定律,是保持著你的心靈比頭腦稍為溫軟細膩。
參考: hkslot
2010-02-01 7:07 am
kitty 提供的只是中文字組合, 根本不是中文.
2010-02-01 5:07 am
1. 如果它不是做生活彼此的,较少difficuit我們居住什麼為?
2. pohone電話是好。 但是您能再讀信件。
3. 是,有可能自我表達甚而,不用詞的talkability。 有是愉快的在講話和在沈默想法和感覺的交換。 它是安靜瀰漫與友誼。

4. 友誼,雖然難以置信地敏感對心情和需要,顯然地是轻率對出現。 schoofriends─skinny,多斑點,昏愚與芭蕾和palominos─see在彼此上的沒有变化,四十年。
5. 一好man&的那個最佳的部分; #039; s生活,仁慈他的一點,無名, unremembered行動和愛。
6. 友誼總是一個甜責任,從未機會。

7. there& #039; s沒什麼相當穿戴贏取價值,但是笑聲和朋友愛。

8. 友誼測試是在患難的協助和那,同样, unconbitional協助。

9. 我們的生活螺紋是黑暗的,天堂知道! 如果它不是與友誼並且不愛intertwin& #039; D.

10. friendshiplink和圈和交織,直到他們捕捉會。

11. 孤苦全部老癟的生物我們將是未。 從未更加醜惡的mind─the我們在其他眼裡得到,越可愛的我們將互相是。

12. 友誼最佳的規則比您的頭是保留您的心臟一少許軟。

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