A light bulb rated 110V 40W...

2010-02-01 2:44 am
A light bulb rated 110V 40W...work at 220V會點???

回答 (3)

2010-02-01 7:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. R = V²/P = 110*110/40
= 302.5Ω
2. P = V²/R = 220*220/302.5Ω
= 160W

2010-02-02 3:06 am
Is my answer is correct?

the current of light bulb:

the power of the loght bulb:
0.36A x 220V
2010-02-01 2:50 am
It certainly would burn away as the heat developed is too large.

The power under 220v = 40 x (220/110)^2 w = 160 w

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 20:38:21
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