
2010-01-31 11:19 pm




回答 (2)

2010-01-31 11:31 pm
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綠蠵龜(學名Chelonia mydas),又名綠海龜,是海洋中的爬蟲類動物。一生中大多的時間都在海中生活,但演化過程中仍然保留了部分祖先的生活方式,所以必須回到陸地上產卵,繁育後代,形成了一種較獨特的生活習性。


綠蠵龜已瀕臨絕種,全世界僅剩下約20萬頭產卵母龜[2],為避免因人類的捕殺及棲地之破壞,在國際生態保育聯盟((IUCN); International Union for Conservation of Nature)紅皮書(Red list of threatened species)中,所有海龜名列為瀕臨絕種野生動、植物貿易公約(或簡稱華盛頓公約; (CITES); Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora)附錄一中的物種。









2010-02-02 21:50:46 補充:
Green Turtle (genus Chelonia mydas), also known as the green turtle is ocean reptiles. Most of the time life in the sea life, but evolution has retained some ancestral way of life, it must return to lay their eggs on land, breeding generations, forming a more unique habits.

2010-02-02 21:51:09 補充:
Green turtles are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical waters, namely, north and south latitude of approximately 20 ℃ isotherm between the sea and the water temperature over 25 degrees Celsius on the beach to lay eggs.

2010-02-02 21:52:53 補充:
~Because of its use lungs to breathe in the sea diving depth limit of about one to two hundred meters. The staple food of green turtles in the sea of seaweed and large algae, so body fat has accumulated a number of green pigment, showing light green, and hence the name;

2010-02-02 21:53:09 補充:
~ color of the carapace is brown with a large fan-shaped dark green to nearly black piebald colors, etc. range.Green Turtle on the verge of extinction, the world leaving only about 200,000 egg-laying female turtles [2]

2010-02-02 21:53:31 補充:
, in order to avoid human hunting and habitat of the destruction, the International Union for Conservation Ecology ((IUCN); International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red Data Book (Red list of threatened species),

2010-02-02 21:53:39 補充:
all sea turtles listed as endangered species of wild animals and plants Trade Convention (or simply the Washington Convention; (CITES); Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) Appendix one species.

2010-02-02 21:53:54 補充:
Predators and human disturbance

Natural enemies

Turtles into a turtle because of huge size, back and plastron hard and fast swimming speed, therefore, in addition to humans, almost no major predators. While the turtles have

2010-02-02 21:54:06 補充:
lost a fin Youcheng or flipper-like limbs being the end of the bite wounds, but similar to the shark, or other ferocious animals such as crocodiles and other attacks on the status of rare. However, the small green turtle's natural enemies are very large,

2010-02-02 21:54:27 補充:
in a variety of beach land animals, such as: livestock, sand crabs, raccoons, red ants, snakes, birds of prey so on, will attack a small turtle in the sea there are all kinds of meat of fish such as: shark, swordfish and so on.

2010-02-02 21:54:57 補充:
The lack of adequate defense capabilities, a small turtle shell back hard enough, run (swim) is not fast enough, it can easily become the food of these predators, the small green turtles in the first year of high mortality rates,

2010-02-02 21:55:07 補充:
research we estimate that less than a thousandth of a small green turtles can grow up to become turtle.

2010-02-02 21:55:17 補充:
Human disturbance

Key West in Florida, killing the green turtles.

In the human disturbance, the destruction of spawning habitat, including harassment of nesting female turtles, turtle eggs are improperly excavated to capture the turtles and

2010-02-02 21:55:26 補充:
improper construction of the development of beach sand digging diversion, set up lights on shore. Harassment of nesting female green turtles, including deliberately catch them and do not intend to interfere with the visits, especially to innocent tourists, beach

2010-02-02 21:55:34 補充:
activities, mostly, so sea turtles eco-education and eco-tourism on the conservation of green turtles is very important. Too much interference from the mother turtle will not lay eggs, and could never abandon the nesting habitat; without digging turtle eggs as to

2010-02-02 21:55:43 補充:
capture a small green turtle is a direct reduction in the number of new small turtles, these three factors will cause the spawning habitat the green turtle population has decreased.

Improper construction of the development of beach sand digging diversion would make the

2010-02-02 21:55:50 補充:
beach become a gravel beach, or even disappear. In this way, the mother turtle is not only no place to lay eggs, the turtles, after shelling out the gravel, but also from climbing while Shaisi the beach. In addition, the lighting set up on shore, beach or buildings near

2010-02-02 21:55:59 補充:
the street and issued by the glare, would interfere with phototaxis for juvenile sea turtles, but can not find the sea route, the process suffered a murderous scheme enemies dead on the road, or Pu .

In the marine habitat man-made hazards include improper fishing methods have been

2010-02-02 21:56:14 補充:
serious problems caused by mixing of sea turtles, making false complement of sea turtles die each year from numerous, so NOAA vigorously promote sea turtle escape devices (Turtle_excluder_device), in order to reduce the number of sea turtles have been

2010-02-02 21:56:18 補充:
mixed. Another marine pollution from sea turtles also make infection, residual fishing line entanglement of sea turtles may also be caused by the turtle's limbs or head and neck amputation and even death. These man-made destruction, have seriously reduced the survival rate of sea turtle populations

2010-02-02 21:57:28 補充:
2010-02-15 7:36 am
綱:爬蟲綱 目:龜鱉目 科:海龜科

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