物理同chem ge電流

2010-01-31 8:18 am
點解物理GEelectric current係 positive? (chem的話我都明點解GE..)
如果物理GEelectric current係negative會同現存理論有咩矛盾?

咁點解要咁define? 如果flow of positive charge咪仲常用?(我覺得), 起碼日常用到GE電流都係electron姐..

回答 (1)

2010-01-31 8:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
The direction of electric current is defined in terms of the direction of flow of positive charges, i.e. the same direction as electric field lines. Hence, if the charge carriers are positive, e.g. +ve ions, protons, positrons... etc, their direction of flow will be the same as the defined direction of electric current. On the other hand, if the charge carriers are negative, e.g. electron, -ve ions ... etc., their direction of flow is opposite to that of the defined current.

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