
2010-02-01 4:00 am
I cannot believe the troble we had coming up with the design for our new logo.


小弟看不太懂, we had 前面省略了that,

回答 (4)

2010-02-02 9:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
要了解此句的結構, 必須先知道以下幾點:
1. [come up with]: (針對問題等)想出;提供
He could not come up with a proper answer.
He came up with good ideas for the product promotion.
所以並沒有"因為...而引起"的含意, 所以這個片語跟"trouble"之間並無直接關係. 不是來說明這個 [trouble]. 所以也不是:
The trouble came up with the design for our new logo.
2. [we had]在此句中並非"插入句".
3. [trouble]這個字的用法:
I had a little trouble learning English grammar.
We had trouble coming up with the design for our new logo.
所以, 原句是由這兩句合併的:
(A) We had trouble coming up with the design for our new logo .
(B) I cannot believe the trouble.
I cannot believe the troble (which/that) we had coming up with the design for our new logo .
對於我們在設計新商標的過程中所碰到的困難, 實在令我難以置信 .
省略的是關係代名詞[which/that](=[trouble]), 因為它當動詞[had]的受詞.
2010-02-01 11:42 am
真要分析的話 這是三句湊起來的
(a) I cannot believe the trouble.
(b) We had the trouble.
(c) The trouble came up with the design for our new logo.

(a) 為主要部分 (b)&(c)都化身為形容詞子句 堆積在trouble之後:

(b)--> that we had
(c)--> that came up with...

(c)-->coming up with...

2010-02-01 03:47:05 補充:

修飾trouble 的(c) 改為"coming up with... " 更為簡潔 而且味道上很明顯是在補充資訊 說明麻煩來自何處

2010-02-03 17:47:23 補充:
推 Kevin大師!!!
2010-02-01 5:33 am
that we had coming up with the design for our new logo.
如果是省略了 that or whih,似乎沒有辦法解釋後面的分詞片語的位置
我寧可把 we had當成是插入句,如同 I think,拿掉並不影響句子
而coming up...分詞片語是拿來修飾trouble

2010-02-02 22:28:48 補充:
完全同意 Kevin 大師精確的解釋
have trouble + ving
have difficulty+ ving 是固定的用法,因為省略了介系詞 in,所以它是動名詞,而非分詞片語
2010-02-01 4:49 am

2010-01-31 20:52:54 補充:
I cannot believe the troble we had coming up with the design for our new logo.

我想沒錯 the trouble (that) we had
是that 省略了
而後面可能是用分詞 coming up with the design for our new logo 來說明這個 trouble

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