You just hate him/her for no reason?

2010-01-31 6:49 am
Do you have a moment when you just hate someone or feel disgusted for no reason even though you don't know him or her? Yesterday, I was waiting to go aboard at the airport, and I saw a group of professional guys and gals; the way they talk was arrogant and made me feel disgusted, and they just look so fake to me. Com'on, don't just think that you're wearing a suit, and you're a different person.

回答 (6)

2010-02-02 10:44 pm
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An old, and very wise man told me when I am pointing a finger at someone else to accuse them, I have three fingers pointing back at me - and I better look into myself to see if I am carrying those traits myself.

Oftentimes when I dislike someone instantly it is because they stir in me my own hated, usually hidden character traits. Hidden, that is, only to me, and it's a gift that my shortcomings were pointed out to me so I can then mature and become a better person.

Very rarely, it was only because they unconsciously reminded me of someone that hurt me deeply.
2010-01-31 6:59 am
Hate is such a strong word,
and no not at all.
just as long as they don't interfere with my life,
they can do/be whatever they want.
2010-01-31 8:15 am
I hate skaters. there such d-bags. And they walk around like there high even though I know there not
2010-01-31 12:18 pm
Hate's a pretty strong word, instinctive dislike would be more accurate.
people that fall into cliques, are self-centered, or come across as 2D I dont like and choose not to interact with, even if I want to bash their brains in :D
but then again nearly every friend Ive ever had I never liked at first, so go figure
2010-01-31 6:53 am
No, not at all. I think you're jealous. ;p
2010-01-31 7:56 am
i feel that way quite often
a look on someones face just makes me want to bash their head in
im not normally violent but from time to time there is that person that just gets under my skin even though i dont know them

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