Why Hongkong policeman crazyly to prosecute woman and children?

2010-01-31 2:09 am
I was prosecuted by Hong Kong policemen when we were on the way home for doctor & lunch at about 1:18pm on May 2, 2004 from school. A policeman stopped my car. He supposed to get my drive license and give me the fine ticket only if he really saw that I jumped the red light. But he stood in front of my car to draw on about 30 weapon policemen to arrest me. A n witness of prosecutor’s said, “The driver showed him a card, he(police) ignored it”

I did not know that he intended to arrest me, but even I know, I still have no where to go.

About 30 weapon policeman came to the scene, they assaulted me in bruises as the medical record showed, I got injury bruise arms, waists, fingers, suntan neck, … The superintendent grabbed my cell phone away, then they kneed me down on put my face on the floor, dragged me to their van. Then put me to their cell when I was dizzy in the police station.

I was sent to the Hospital after I called the ambulance before I was serious dizzy. I was imprisoned in the cell of the hospital again.

I complained the policeman’s bully to the ‘Apple daily news’. They put my picture of bruise waist in the news paper on May 4, 2004

I knew that I was charged (1) Failing to comply with traffic light (2) Obstructing a Police Officer in the due execution of his duty (3) Assaulting THREE (WEAPON) POLICE OFFICERS in the due execution of her/his duty after about one month. Regarding about assault 3 policemen, I did not know the content of the charge. After a long time, I saw the picture was given by them, they said, I assaulted a female policeman’s belly. I bit the superintendent and policeman’s waist, finger. I was taking care of 3 children, I was wearing a pair of 3” heel shoes. I am 4’11” tall and 120lbs

I am offenceless, I did not commit any crime. The charges are ridiculous. The facts is about 30 weapon policemen bullied a single mother and her 3 children, even though they were only 3, 4 years old. I complained them to the Complain Against Police Office department in order to live without prosecution and bully from policeman again. I think I can explain in the court with the computer record of the transportation dept. of Hong Kong. THE PROSECUTOR ALSO MADE A CAHRT TO SHOW THAT I DID NOT GO THROUGH THE RED LIGHT in Supreme Court. THE GOVERNMENT LABORITARY OF HONGKONG ISSUED A WITNESS STATEMENT TO PROVE I DID NOT JUMP THE RED LIGHT.

Unfortunately, I was convicted guilty and imprisoned for 14 days after about 10 days trial in Fanling Law Court. The judge wanted psychiatrist’s report, probation officer’s report, mental doctor’s report. My school report always said that I AM DEMURE, CLEVER, BRIGHT .I was very shocked, and faint, I was sent to the hospital. I was cheat by Hongkong. They are liars. I suppose to pick up my 3 & 4 years old children in the Kindergarten. Unfortunately I was unable to pick them up, they were abandoning in Kindergarten.

All the charges are prosecution, but I could not find any lawyer who willing to appeal for me when I was in prison. I went to the supreme court of Hongkong myself. The Honor (none Chinese) allowed me on bail home after 9 days jail. Who assigned a lawyer to me even though he never did it in Supreme court.

The Judge Ms Woo Huey-fang Bernadette of Fanling law court held another 3+ trials, I believed that she knows I did not go through the red light as the evidence given by the policeman indicating the actual meaning is I did not go through the red light. Finally, Beside the 14 days imprisoned, I was fined HKD16000.
My complaint in CAPO was raped by the related policeman. They conduct the complaint and create the answer themselves. They told me that I “Knowingly false information to mislead police officers” in May 2007. The Independent Police Complaints Council agreed with them.
I appealed to Supreme Court myself for the conviction, the judge got rid off the Prosecutor’s chart in his statement which showing I did not go through the red light. She also get rid off appellant’s words. She fabricated her own case to nail me again. She advised me to end the appeal.

I applied for the permit to appeal in Final court of Hong Kong for the above reason, but they refused to give me the permit.

For SURVIVE, I asked the help from authority, and asked them treated this case seriously, I am very painful and scare of the policemen. The policemen assaulted me in the day time in Mongkok in Hongkong. But no body willing to do any thing except the Government laboratory gave me the witness statement to tell I did not jump the red light. I also asked for help from the Chief executive of Hongkong. His secretary answered they do not care of this judiciary case, it is none of their business. I contacted at least 692 lawyers (all the listed lawyers in the lawyers record website) for appeal, I can sale my blood and kidney for their fee, in order to remain my innocent reputation in the world of mortals. The entire lawyers said they have no time to do t

No lawyer has time to accept my case. Can u help me?

回答 (1)

2010-01-31 2:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
consult an attorney

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