主題: 高齡產婦 (中譯英)

2010-01-30 9:23 pm
雖然她今次懷孕是意料之外, 令她突然成為了高齡產婦,
但她並未因此而感到煩惱, 反為安然接受而從未想過墮胎.

請翻譯以上句子, 謝謝!

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peace is always beautiful

回答 (7)

2010-01-31 1:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
雖然她今次懷孕是意料之外, 令她突然成為了高齡產婦, 但她並未因此而感到煩惱, 反為安然接受而從未想過墮胎. 原因主要是她不想抹殺一個小生命的生存機會, 況且她本身亦很喜歡小朋友.

Although her pregnancy this time is unexpected, and has made her a woman of advanced maternal age, she is not bothered by it; instead, she is at ease with accepting it, and has never considered abortion, mainly because she doesn't want to deprive a little life of the chance to live, and besides, she is very fond of children herself.
參考: myself
2010-02-01 12:16 am
Although her this is pregnant is strange, made her to become the advanced age parturient woman suddenly,

But she therefore has not felt the worry, instead to safely accept, but has never thought the abortion.

The reason is mainly she does not want to write off a small life the chance of survival,

Moreover she also very much likes the child.
2010-01-31 11:05 am
The fact of being pregnant does not bother her a bit, instead she faces the music in a calm manner. Suddenly she became an over-aged pregnant woman, yet the thought of abortion never cross her mind at all. The main reason is she doesn’t like to obliterate the survival of a small life. Furthermore, she really loves children.
2010-01-31 5:03 am
雖然她今次懷孕是意料之外, 令她突然成為了高齡產婦, 但她並未因此而感到煩惱, 反為安然接受而從未想過墮胎. 因主要是她不想抹殺一個小生命的生存機會, 況且她本身亦很喜歡小朋友.

Pregancy at advanced age

Her unexpected pregancy at advanced age did not bother her. She took the surprise gracefully. Never has a moment where the thought of 'abortion' crossed her mind mainly because she would never terminate a life-in-the-making and, after all, she's very fond of children.
參考: Just trying.
2010-01-31 2:57 am

主題: 高齡產婦 (中譯英)

雖然她今次懷孕是意料之外, 令她突然成為了高齡產婦,

但她並未因此而感到煩惱, 反為安然接受而從未想過墮胎.



Subject: elderly women from Chinese into English)
Although the proposal be pregnant, she suddenly became senior citizens, women, but she was annoyed, anti-anran accept and never thought that abortion.

The main reasons is that she doesn't want to get away from a small chance of survival of life, after all she is also very fond of children.
參考: me add my 知識
2010-01-31 12:31 am
Subject: older mothers (Chinese to English)

Although the pregnancy is unexpected, so that she suddenly became older mothers.

But she did not feel so troubled and anti for Enron to accept and never thought about abortion.

The main reason is she did not want to obliterate a small chance of the survival of life.

Moreover,she very like her own children.
參考: My english knowledge!
2010-01-30 9:34 pm
Although she the pregnancy is unexpected, so that she suddenly became older mothers, But she did not feel so troubled and anti for Enron to accept and never thought about abortion. The main reason she did not want to obliterate a small chance of survival of life, Moreover, very like her own children

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