I will end up yours點解

2010-01-30 4:57 pm
a:she is all of my life
b:i will end up yours


回答 (6)

2010-01-30 7:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
end up 是最終

I will end up yours 我最終都是你的
2010-01-31 1:03 pm


2010-01-31 11:12 am
I totally agree with Eicacan.

The respondent meant to say: "I will eventually be with you forever.", and definitely not: "I'll kill you".
2010-01-31 4:54 am
I will end up yours = 我是屬於你的 ( 心和情都歸於你)

It is an informal way to express somone's love to one another.
2010-01-30 11:39 pm
001( [email protected]):"end up 是最終 I will end up yours 我最終都是你的" is correct.
002(李玲):"Yours(your life) will be ended up(結束) by me."is far from the correct meaning.
2010-01-30 8:41 pm

Yours(your life) will be ended up(結束) by me.

end up: 死亡, 結束

2010-02-09 16:26:14 補充:
end up [phrasal verb ]
=to finally be in a particular place or situation

I will end up yours.= I will finally be yours.


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