
2010-01-31 7:11 am
想問 (走到底請左轉)翻譯英文怎麼篇麼念

回答 (7)

2010-01-31 7:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Arrives at the bottom please counterclockwise
參考: 網路
2010-01-31 2:18 pm
走到底請左轉 ~ "All the way, and then turn left."
2010-01-31 7:27 am


Walk straight/direct to
the end and turn left.
2010-01-31 7:25 am
Please go straight in the end , and then turn left.
參考: 字典
2010-01-31 7:24 am
Please turn left in the end (of the road).
參考: 自己
2010-01-31 7:19 am
Please turn left to go in the end
參考: 奇摩翻譯
2010-01-31 7:17 am
You go straight to the end,and than you can turn left.

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