find the exact value of 2ln6-4ln5?

2010-01-29 10:41 am

回答 (6)

2010-01-29 10:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
-2 ln ( 25 / 6 )
2010-01-29 11:50 am
2ln(6) - 4ln(5)
= 2[ln(6) - 2ln(5)]
= 2[ln(6) - ln(5^2)]
= 2ln(6/25)
= -2.85423271
2010-01-29 11:03 am
=ln (36/625)=-2.854232711
God bless you.
2010-01-29 10:50 am
2 ln 6 - 4 ln 5
= ln 6^2 - ln 5^4
= ln (6^2 / 5^4)
= ln (36/625)
= -2.8542 (4dp)
2010-01-29 10:50 am

Enough digits?
2010-01-29 10:50 am
Just plug the numbers in you calculator.
2ln6 = 3.583518938 and
4ln5 = 6.43775165 so,

2ln6 - 4ln4= (3.583518938) - (6.43775165)= -2.854232711
So, -2.854232711 is the exact value

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 13:01:37
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