一個單身女仔 .冇返學 (a HK University drop -out after Year 2 ) now 22 years old.
全職私人補習 for 2 years . around 8000 hkd / month. big problem : But 我沒有公司信.
Total 5 件補習 . 每個家長 and students 也有簽到簿 . 裡面有
每天補習時間,我教什麼, total 多少錢,多少鐘 and parents 入存款日子. Can i bring all the 簽到簿 and my 銀行存摺 to show as 工作證明 ? all my 補習 從來沒有Stop , 每個補習已經有 at least 8 months.does that help prove them that i will come back after the vacation and my 補習 job is NOT 臨時性?my bank account only has around 9k as savings.
BUT 媽咪 will give her 銀行存摺 and 媽咪寫既信 ,証明我會返香港同証明佢會比我在美國洗費.have a younger brother and sister who are secondary school students.家庭基礎在香港穩固 ma ?
i am going to Little Rock in 阿肯色州.i have my male friend's address and number. also plan to go to New York , have a female friend's address and telephone number.
i really really want to go to USA . 機率高 ma ? please help .. i am so nervous.真的很害怕. thanks so much