Had to be collected in a van ?

2010-01-30 12:58 am
The carpets had to be collected in a van. ( 如果是被動句) 點解中間有個( to ) ,但這句一定是被動句,( carpets 被收集在van仔上)...
had been collected 又是否正確,
( had to be collected 係什麼式,還是 [simple past tense +被動句], [ past perfect tense + 被動句],,,,, 真不太明,,
如果上面這樣寫..我可不可以....( had be to colledted ) ( had be collected ) ( had been collected ).....有點暈....


回答 (4)

2010-01-31 8:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
have to=has to = must
點解有了must仲要用have/has to
在過去時態要表現為過去式,就要用到had to

所以 The carpets have to be collected in a van.=The carpets must be collected in a van.

而The carpets had to be collected in a van.只不過係過去時態,即係發生左的事。

另外The carpets had to be collected in a van.意思上不同於 The carpets were collected in a van.
前句為carpets 一定要被收集而後句解carpets被收集(冇左個一定).

最後個be.因為be+pp為被動式 ,因此有個be表達被動意思

. be在被動式時會以不同形式表示
i am hit by someone(個be就係am)
the items are damaged by someone(個be就係are)
the items can be damaged easily.(be的形態不變,因為習慣的關係,或者因為在modal verb後就要用be。你不能說the items can is damaged easily)

更多例子 you should be informed how serious the situation is.
參考: 甘都唔明真係幫不了你啊。必須再侵淫下。
2010-01-30 4:50 pm
The carpets had to be collected in a van.

The carpets......(subject).............那些毛毯

had.....................( vt )................須.........( 是原動詞,在此沒有和其他組合一起)

to be...............(infinitive).............去( 做 )..(to be + collected構成[不定詞短語]作object.)被動語態.

collected........( past participle )..被收集...( 過去分詞,只有[ 被動 ] 語態 )

in a van...........( prep. phrase ).....在貨車內.

*had been collected=已經被完成收集. 是(had been=have+pp=past perfect tense)(collected=pp)....(不是had+been collected,如是就出現兩個v)

*had to be collected=(had+to be必須去(做)...collected=pp這句是一般過去式.與上句的分別是工作[已完成]及還[未開始]工作.

*had be to collected=had(V) be(V) to collected兩個v就唔妥.

*had be collected=也是兩個v.

*had been collected = past perfect tense=It is OK!

*carpets were(are) collected by me.= 是 were/are是vi不及物動詞由(prep.)by去修飾.

*....had to be collected....=是 had是vt及物動詞由to be作adv構成[不定詞短語]作object去承受[謂語動詞had] 這句是表示有東西要去做而未有人do.

*分別是 : 表達意思不同.
2010-01-30 9:54 am


2010-01-30 1:12 am

have to = 必須

had to 是 have to 的 過去式]

have to 是 [verb] , 第二 [verb] ,要加 to

have to do
have to be done [被動式]

I have to collect the carpets.[現在式]
The carpets have to be collected by me. [被動式].[現在式]

I had to collect the carpets.[過去式]
The carpets had to be collected by me. [被動式].[過去式]


2010-01-29 17:25:51 補充:
I collected the carpets..[過去式]

I have collected the carpets.[現在完成式]

I had collected the carpets.[過去完成式]

2010-01-29 17:25:58 補充:
The carpets are collected by me...[過去式] [被動式]

The carpets have been collected by me..[現在完成式] [被動式]

The carpets had been collected by me..[過去完成式] [被動式]

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