
2010-01-29 9:44 am

如果我想講"sorry, 講錯左tim"



果3個字係yahoo字典search "說錯"


盡量簡短, thanks!!

回答 (8)

2010-01-29 10:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
要糾正之前的錯誤, 可以用"rather"

例如一位新聞報道員說"There will be 1,000... 10,000 ,rather, Russian tourists coming to Hong Kong this year."

他雖然沒有說sorry, 但更自然地說明正確的數字是10,000, 即正確的句子是"There will be 10,000 Russian tourists coming to Hong Kong this year."

而日常用英語表達時說錯, 自然可以在說出正確資料後加上rather, 又或者說"Sorry, It must be XXX, rather."

DEFINITION of "rather" (google dictionary) adverb-- used to correct something you have said, or to give more accurate information (糾正所說的話或提供更確切的信息)更確切地講,更準確地說

I rather suspect we're making a mistake. 我有點兒懷疑我們正在犯錯誤。

We were rather hoping you'd be able to do it by Friday. 我們希望你最好能在星期五之前做這件事。

2010-02-01 5:32 am
可以用“I didn't mean to...".
2010-01-30 3:14 am

Sorry that I misspoke.

(Misspeak : fail to speak correctly)
2010-01-29 10:53 pm


即係網上語 :P


2010-01-29 8:02 pm
We do not usually say clearly about what did I say wrong here, we usually say,

Sorry, what I meant was (correct words). People will understand that what you said was not what you meant to say.

Hope this helps

Francis from Canada
2010-01-29 6:29 pm
既然只是閒談,唔使攪咁多嘢,只須講 Sorry I was wrong 就得。
2010-01-29 2:46 pm
I cannot understand second part of your question.

The answer given by someone even more confused.

If we have said something wrong. Just say sorry, let me correct it. Then you say again.

We do not use those words missay or mistate or misword. We do not even use them in writing.

Writing and saying has slight difference. Talk with foreigners more and you will learn. English and Americans speaks differently.
2010-01-29 1:15 pm
I apologize that I had made a wrong (or incorrect) statement.

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