
2010-01-29 7:34 am
Clusters of highly atypical endocervical cells suggestive of adenocarcinoma-in-situ (AIS) of endocervix are noted in a bloody inflamed smear. Suggest biopsy to rule out invasion. 咁係咪即係有cancer呀?

回答 (2)

2010-01-29 9:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Clusters of highly atypical endocervical cells suggestive of adenocarcinoma-in-situ (AIS) of endocervix are noted in a bloody inflamed smear. Suggest biopsy to rule out invasion.= 集群高度非典型暗示頸管細胞的腺癌原位(AIS)的對 endocervix是顯著的血腥發炎塗片。推薦活檢,以排除入侵。
2010-01-29 6:59 pm
報告裡找到有異樣既細胞 [highly atypical endocervical cells] 有可能是[只用suggestive沒說confirm].

即係, 現階段發現有咁既可能, 未能證實.
但凡cancer都係愈早醫, 醫好既機會愈高. 病人應立即去做下一項檢驗, 唔好拖延!

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