English 中,咩叫倒裝句呀?仲有咩特別既句型?

2010-01-29 3:55 am
我常日聽人講 倒裝 倒裝 ,咩叫 倒裝句呀- - 仲有,有冇其他特別既句型?

回答 (2)

2010-01-29 4:58 am
✔ 最佳答案

倒裝句(inverted sentence)。

When a sentence begins
with an adverb negative in meaning:

hardly, neither,
nor, never, no, not, scarcely, seldom, nowhere, etc.(but not
no one, nobody, etc. used as nouns)

1. He did not say a word in my favor.

Not a word did he say in my favor.

until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and the 77th U.S. Congress

war against Japan did the U.S. and China become allies.

I could find him

could I find him.

(I could not find him

2. You must on no condition go alone.

On no condition must you
go alone.

3. He did not imply she was lazy in any way.

In no way did he imply she was lazy.

4. She did not believe for an instant that he had lied.

Not for an instant did she
believe that he had lied.

5. He had no sooner reached
his home than it began to rain.

No sooner had he reached his home than it began to rain.

6. The chance to visit the
school did not come till last week.

till last week did the chance come to visit the school.

7. I can agree in neither

In neither case can I agree.

8. He hardly had any money.

did he have any money.

9. He didn’t want to buy that expensive house.

Neither (nor) did
his wife.

(neither 是正式用法,nor是非正式用法。)

10. I (1) have(2) never(3) seen such a nice girl.

Never (3) have (2) I (1) seen such a nice girl.

B. When a sentence begins
with an adverb “so”

1. Her English (1) is (2) so good (3) that
all her classmates ask her for help.

So (3) good is (2) her English (1)
that all her classmates ask her for help.

2010-01-28 20:59:26 補充:
2. She (1) is (2) so understanding and tender (3) that everybody likes her.
So understanding and tender (3) is (2) she(1) that everybody likes her.
Compare: She is very understanding and tender,
so (連接副詞) everybody likes her.
3. I can play the guitar. So can she.

2010-01-28 21:00:19 補充:
4. I saw a movie yesterday. So did she.
5. She is an English teacher. So am I.

C. When a sentence begins with an adverb “only”
1. A student can make straight A’s only by studying hard.
Only by studying hard can a student make straight A’s.

2010-01-28 21:00:40 補充:
2. You can buy clothes and shoes like that only in Paris.
Only in Paris can you buy clothes and shoes like that.
2010-01-29 8:54 pm
倒裝句 is called inverted order.
when the verb or part of the verb comes before the subject, the
sentence is in inverted order. Most questions are ing inverted order. sentences that begin with here is, here are, there is, or there are,
are all in inverted order. writers sometimes use inverted order
to create an effect or to change the emphasis in a sentence.
For example,
Over the hill ran the soldier.
Does Rosa love pizza?
Here are the keys.

The opposit of inverted oreder is natural order.
when the subject of a sentence comes befo the verb,
the sentence is in natural order.
for example,
The soldier ran over the hill.
Rosa does love pizza.
The keys are here.
參考: vote for me

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