
2010-01-28 7:21 pm

李小龍出生美國應有美國國籍 但當時香港還是屬於英國 在國籍上是怎麼認定 我只知道美國是不要求要放棄另一國的國籍 但當時的香港是如何?
當時各位香港朋友 國籍是什麼? 那Bruce lee 的國籍是雙重國籍? 還是只有美國

回答 (3)

2010-01-29 12:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
當時各位香港朋友 國籍是什麼? 那Bruce lee 的國籍是雙重國籍? 還是只有美國

Bruce Lee is a Dual Citizen up until his death.

However, he is not a BN(O).Simply because BNO status was not exist when he was alive and he cannot get BNO status even if he was alive until today. Technically he is a BDTC (British Dependent Territories Citizen) and an US Citizens.

Funny to say, Bruse was not a BDTC or then HK Citizens by birth, he was born in San Franciso so he is a US Citizen by birth, technically, he migrated to HK in the age of 6 months. But then,the law of Migration is not as tight as now. So he can claim he is a BDTC.

The reason why i said Bruce Lee cannot claim BNO simply because he is not born in HK. So when the chinese turnover, he would automatically lost the BDTC status and automatically transfer to Chinese Citizenship. So if Bruce Lee is alive today, he would have been Chinese and US Dual Citizen.
2010-01-28 10:20 pm
2010-01-28 8:34 pm
李小龍先生一向認定自己係- 美國藉. 其實佢都唔係特別鍾意香港, 或者中國. 因為佢既性格, 知為率直, 坦承...所以同香港人一般的性格相違, 甚至後期的互相排斥.

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