英文-on the receiving end

2010-01-27 10:52 pm
She found herself on the receiving end whether she won or lost.

句中"on the receiving end"點解 ?

回答 (2)

2010-01-28 1:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. On the receiving end
Definition: the position of having to endure something;處於「受」的位置(相對於「施」的位置)
Example: We were on the receiving end of some harsh criticism. 我們處於受嚴苛批評的位置。

2. On the receiving end(also “at the receiving end”)
Definition: The position in which one is subject to an often unpleasant action or effect 因某事而處於承受的位置(常指感到不愉悅)
Example: She'd been on the receiving end of his temper a few times and knew how nasty it could be. 她多次承受他的壞脾氣,當然明白這有多令人討厭。

2010-01-27 17:34:55 補充:
She found herself on the receiving end whether she won or lost.
參考: hkslot
2010-01-27 11:16 pm
on the receiving end = 獲益良多 (得益/收禮receiving那方end)

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