The previous one ??

2010-01-27 9:41 pm
the previous one always thinks of the days when he was at the seat, before the Hong Kong people gave him the red card,前任的董伯經常懷緬他在位時的日子,那時候香港人還未給他派紅牌.

before Hoing Kong people gave him the red card.那時候香港人還未給派給他紅牌...( 這英文句子好像沒有 ( 還未給) 的意在這裡..

He was had gaven the red card by Hong Kong people..還是 He was gave the red card by Hong Kong people.
Hong Kong people have gave him the red card yet. 還是 Hong Kong people have not gave him the red card yet.

回答 (4)

2010-01-28 1:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Before: 在…以前
before Hoing Kong people gave him the red card.
在香港人給他紅牌以前 ( = 那時候香港人還未給他紅牌.)

Give 的 tense 是 :
People give him [present tense] 人們給予他
People gave him [past tense] 人們已給予他
People has given him [present perfect tense] 人們剛給予他
People will give him [future tense] 人們將給予他
Give 的 被動式 是 be given (被給予)
He is given [present tense]他被給予
He was given [past tense]他已被給予
He has been given [present perfect tense]他剛被給予
He will been given [future tense]他將被給予
2010-01-28 4:50 pm

2010-01-27 11:13 pm
紅牌應該是引用自足球比賽紅牌犯規被球證(香港人)踢出(官)場的借諭,所以是He was given the red card by the Hong Kong people. 已成過去的行動加上對董伯而言是被動式(was given).

「他在未被香港人給予紅牌(離開官場)前(before), 對他在權位(at the seat)的日子(the days)非常(always)留戀(thinks)。」
1. He was given the red card by the Hong Kong people [動詞式沒有was had verb的, 沒有gaven這個字]
2. He was given the red card by the Hong Kong people. [was given(pp)係被動式, 所以verb用pp, 不是simple past]
3. Hong Kong people have given him the red card yet. [主動式的verb也是要用(pp)]
4. Hong Kong people have not given him the red card yet.[同上]
Before the Hong Kong people forced him off the position of the Chief Executive, he was lingering on the post.

2010-01-27 9:43 pm

在霍因港人給了他一張紅牌。那時候香港人還未給派給他紅牌 ...(這英文句子好像沒有(還未給)的意在這裡 ..

還看看我四句有什麼分別 ...

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