
2010-01-27 2:20 am
appeal 呢個字字典係寫不及物動詞
The police are appealing to the public for any information about the murder victiim

public 唔係object咩?有冇英文能手解答下...

回答 (4)

2010-01-27 4:23 am
✔ 最佳答案

1.object of verb
In "Jasper ate fruit", fruit is the direct object of the
verb ate.In "They sent him a postcard", him is the (non-prepositional) indirect
object of the verb sent (which uses a double-object
construction).2.object of preposition
In "We listened to the radio", radio is the object of the
preposition to, and the prepositional object of the verb listened.
The police are appealing to the public for any information about the murder victiim.

1.不及物動詞(intransitive verb)是沒有object的;the public不是verb are appealing的object,而是preposition to 的object。
2.不及物動詞(intransitive verb)不可以直接跟object;所以verb are appealing連接object the public時要加preposition to。

註:有些人會說"A intransitive verb does not have a object."(上面第一種看法)
  有些人會說"A intransitive verb does not have a direct object."(上面第二種看法)


2010-01-26 20:24:35 補充:

2010-01-28 08:30:16 補充:
打錯了一點,「註」的部分,應作an object,不是a:
A intransitive verb does not have an object.
2010-01-28 6:07 am
The police...............( subject ).......那些警察

are appear(l)ing........( Vi )..............正在呈現...(不及物動詞不須要任何object)

to the public..........( prepositional phrase.)到那公共埸所(public不是object)整段是[ 介詞短語 ]修飾解說警察呈現在那裡.

2010-01-27 2:42 am
Public 是 object governed by a preposition 吧!而 preposition 就是 to 了。
你不會看到:The police are appealing the public ……
2010-01-27 2:26 am
參考: me

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